Well, we're six months in...

So, we're six months in and it kinda feels like six years! It's been somewhat of a rollercoaster that's for sure...

If you've bought our products, liked and shared our posts, subscribed to our YouTube channel, stuck our stickers somewhere or you've just landed here, we just wanted to say thanks. It's not been an easy start to this decade but we've seen our social channels and website traffic continually grow month on month so we think we're doing something right!

Throughout the year we've stuck true to our word on why Summit Moto was created. Job one was to create a skate inspired clothing brand which we've done, with new styles and products available now.

The second reason was to invest in passionate people, that absolutely live to ride. We've done that. Videos, spotlights, and photography of some of the finest talent in the South-West, but also in America. Check out @christiandresser on IG, or @harryparker280 to name a couple.

We've said 'we' a few times. Reason being, we've had to expand the team! Anyone that runs a business will know how hard it is. I've been sales, marketing, HR, customer service, purchasing, delivery driver and wore many other hats too. The list goes on which was impossible to manage so we've a few chaps behind the scenes keeping the wheels turning while I'm out grafting.

Our private hire next week marks the start of something we'll do more of in the future, only they'll be bigger and better. This one is to test the water and we had enough people interested to easily run two groups at Apex. We were seeing a number of people not quite able to get enough riders to run their own hires, so we're linking up a number of like minded individuals which we think is pretty cool.

Just like Jeffrey Herlings around a sand track, we'll be staying on the gas as 2020 continues and we're glad that you've chosen to come along for the ride!



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